Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Zeek Rewards Review

Thank you for requesting more information about Zeek! Sure, this is a long 

document, and quite a bit to read BUT when you are done, you will have a really
good idea about what Zeek IS and what Zeek is NOT. Please read through the
entire article, and at the bottom is the EASY Step By Step to Join, and get going!
In the next few minutes, you are going to discover an incredibly simple, fun and
extremely lucrative home income system. We promise, when you fully
understand the opportunity that you have in your hands here, you will not be able
to sleep tonight!

We will be quickly explaining the ZeekRewards Income System, how it works in
conjunction with the Zeekler auction site, and specifically how YOU can make a
huge, passive income by just doing a simple, daily process that takes less than 5
minutes per day.

Ok, lets get into how this works shall we. There are two names that you need to
become familiar with: Zeekler and ZeekRewards.
The name Zeekler refers to the penny auction side of this system and the name
ZeekRewards refers to the business opportunity side. These two go hand-in-hand
and we will explain all that over the next few minutes. For the purposes of this we
will just refer to the overall company as Zeek.

ZeekRewards is a new division of a 14 year-old company started by Paul Burkes
out of Lexington, North Carolina. The reason we tell you that Paul Burkes started
his family of companies 14 years ago is because, if you deal with the question of
"how do I get paid," the very first thing you want to answer is whether the
company is stable.

If the company doesn't have a track record of success and a background
that points towards longevity, then it doesn't matter whether the
compensation plan is outstanding, or whether the business is simple and
easy to do because its likely not going to last.

Paul Burkes has created, in our opinion, the most systemic, simple, and fun
money-making program in the world. Let us tell why we say that.

Several years ago, Paul was searching for the next big trend -and he found it in
Europe. It was called the Penny Auction. Penny Auctions were different; they were
intriguing, and fun, and fast paced and people loved them. The penny auction
would let you purchase bids, and then use those bids to bid on high quality items.
Each bid would raise the price of the item by one penny. That would allow you to
save anywhere between 85-99% off the price on name-brand items across the
board. Housewares, jewelery, electronic items, gift cards of all types.
 A whole host of amazing items were being auctioned on these sites.

The way they worked was: you would go to a special auction website. On this site
you would see that the price of each item would start off at zero. The first bid
would raise the price of the item by one penny.

Lets say, for simplicity's sake, that the bids cost you $1.00 (Zeeklers bids
only cost 65 cents for retail bids, but for simplicity sake, we will use $1.00 in
our example) and lets assume that you were bidding on the newest, hottest
big- screen TV - an $1800 item.

Lets assume you bought 50 bids, which cost you $50.00 As you look at the
auctions that are running, you notice that on every item is a timer and
each timer is counting down. When the timer reaches zero, the final bidder
wins the item. You also notice that every time someone bids, the timer
goes back up to 20 seconds - making the bidding fun, short, and

Lets say this TV’s price gets up to $149.99, you place a bid with 3 seconds left on
the timer – nobody else bids and you win that item. So your cost for this $1,800
TV is only $150.00 - because that's the price the item got up to in the auction –
plus, of course, the cost of how ever many bids you used to win the item. But let
us show how the company made its money.

The company sold bids at $1.00 each, so if you bought 50, you have 50
opportunities to bid on the item to try and win it. Now what about all the other
people competing in the auction? Well, they too purchased bids. Some may have
purchased 10, some 100, some 500. It all depends on how many bids the
individual would like to be able to use in the auction.
So, the price gets up to $150.00, you win the auction, the item is yours. You are
excited because you just got about 85% off the retail price. The company's
excited because each time a bid was placed the price went up one penny and
the company earned $1.00. The next bid would raise the price another penny
and the company would earn another dollar – with 100 bids, the company would
earn $100.00.

So, in our TV example, the TV was won at the $150.00 mark. That means, the
company would have generated 15,000 one-penny bids on the item – at $1.00
per bid, that’s $15,000.00 Take away the base cost the auction site paid to
acquire the TV, in this case, lets say $1000.00 – that leaves the company
$14.000.00 in profit. So the company just made $14,000.00 on that one item.
We wanted to explain how the company earns, so you understand where the
money comes from for them to be able to let us all share in their profits. Zeekler
is running auctions 7 days a week 24 hours a day, with multiple auctions
running simultaneously.So, from the company's perspective, what makes YOU so important?
The company wants to get people to the auction website who may eventually
become customers by purchasing bids – that's where you help out.
While the company looked at a number of ways to drive traffic and business, all
of the options were extremely expensive and not very effective. So instead, they
decided to partner with all of us and do something completely unlike anyone else.
They decided to allow normal, regular, everyday people, like all of us, to join -
even free - and the company would reward us, each day, for simply posting an ad
that day promoting the Zeekler auction site – its called collective advertising.
This is why your relationship with ZeekRewards is so important. This is why they
will profit share with you… as a reward for helping to grow the auctions
customer base.

And you know what… the company even writes the ads FOR YOU, free, AND
gives you places to post those ads – free!
So what is your job?

Your job has two simple parts: 1. Place a daily ad and 2.) Give away free bids
as gifts to customers. Every day, you will login to your ZeekRewards members
area – grab one of the ads that the company provides - select one of the dozens
of advertising venues (many are free), and post your ad. And this entire process
is done entirely without cost to you and takes about 5 minutes.

At the end of each day, the company looks at everyone who posted an ad,
and they share a percentage of the day’s profits, that were generated from
company sales, with each advertiser. Isnt that simple and easy?
So, quick recap... We are an auction site called Zeekler. We started in March
2010 as a new division of a 14 year-old established company. Our new
advertising division, ZeekRewards, started in January 2011 because it made
more sense to pay word-of-mouth promoters (us) rather than an ad agency.
Your responsibility is to sign up at least free, choose an ad the company
has written, post that ad daily at one of the many places the company
suggests, and give away free bids (we will talk about the free bids in a
minute). At the end of the day, the company shares its profit with you in
what’s called our retail profit pool.

Now you know HOW you earn. You earn every day, seven days a week…as long
as you post your daily ad and give away free bids. You now know that you dont
have to be creative – the company writes all the ads for you. You also know you
don't have to be a marketing or advertising specialist, because the company
shows you exactly where you post your ads.Now at this point, we know you don't yet understand all the details, but what we hope you DO understand is the basic, simple concept.

Alright, now lets get into the really exciting stuff: how YOU make money with
ZeekRewards. How you can literally earn thousands of dollars monthly, weekly, and daily.

At the end of every day ZeekRewards totals up all of the company's sales for
that day and they share a percentage to all of the active affiliates. Basically, an active affiliate meets three simple criteria – 1.) He or she is a member at either the Silver, Gold, or Diamond level. 2.) The affiliate has
placed at least one ad that day. 3.) The affiliate has made at least a one-time purchase of 10 VIP bids.

VIP bids cost $1.00 for one bid and they can be purchased in any whole dollar amount $10.00 and higher. When you purchase VIP bids, here is what happens...

Lets use an example of 100 VIP bids. The very instance you purchase those 100 bids, two things happen. 1.) The company credits your Zeekler auction site account with 100 bids (these are VIP bids and not retail bids like a customer purchases) the second thing that happens is Zeek gives you the equivalent of your purchase in points. These points don't go immediately to your profit pool, they sit, temporarily, in a holding area. The points must be activated first in order to go into your profit pool and start earning daily profit sharing.

The way you activate those 100 points is by giving away the corresponding 100 bids you received in your Zeekler auction account to one, or more, Zeekler customers. This is actually a very simple process and the company has it completely automated. If you don't have any Zeekler auction customers, then you can easily, and inexpensively purchase some from the company customer coop.

Don't let getting customers sound like a difficult thing. The company has made it really easy. Plus, our team has a 3rd party option as well. But you should first start by simply having your family and friends sign up for a free Zeekler auction membership by telling them you want to give them some free bids that they use
in the auction to go have some fun and possibly win some cool stuff.

For most people, having just a couple of customers will last them for quite a while. Plus, if your customers run out of the free bids that you gave them, then hopefully they will need more bids and go purchase some retail bids on their own and when they do, you make commissions on those sales.

Giving away free bids is the equivalent of giving free samples like you would in other home businesses, this way you can use these gifts-you-give as a tax write off.

NOTE: We are not a tax specialist, so please, talk to your own tax accountant if you are unsure about what your options are.

The main reason we give away bids, is to be compliant with the laws, mainly in the US, having to do with profit sharing, dividends and the like. But still, giving away free bids is a fantastic way to grow your business!

Now, as far as giving your bids away - the company has a company-wide bid pool that you can join, at no cost, to give your bids to, automatically.  When you specify, in your members area, that you want to participate in that, then your customers will receive their free bids instantly when they join as a Zeekler auction member - you don't have to do a thing… its all automatic!

So, how many bids do you have to give away each day? Well, lets suppose that you have 500 points in your retail profit pool. You met the daily requirement to place at least one ad to qualify for the daily profit sharing. If the amount the company shares that day is say, 2%, then at the end of the day Zeek will look at your 500 point retail profit pool balance and pay you 2% of that 500,or $10.00.

Now, if you have a system feature called “Re-Purchase Preference” set to 100%, then Zeek is going to automatically take 100% of that $10.00 and instantly purchase 10 more bids. If you remember, earlier we said when bids are purchased, whether you manually buy bids, or the system uses your daily profits to purchase more bids, two things happen 1.) The company credits your Zeekler auction site account with 10 bids and 2.) Zeek gives you the equivalent of your purchase in points.  These points don’t go immediately to your profit sharing pool, they sit, temporarily, in a holding area.

Now, to qualify to get those 10 points moved out of the holding area and added to your 500 point profit pool, you must give away the 10 bids you just received in your Zeekler account. Now here is the really cool thing: All of this process is handled automatically the very instant any bid purchase happens – you don't even have to do anything.

So, how many bids can you give each customer? That depends on your membership level. Silver affiliates are able to give a maximum of 100 bids total to each customer. Gold affiliates are able to give away 500 bids per customer, and Diamond affiliates are able to give away 1000 bids per customer.

And furthermore, if you are a Silver affiliate and you have given each of your customers 50 bids already and you decide to upgrade your membership to Gold, (where you can give away 500 to each customer), then you can go back and give each of those customers more bids to the max of 500.

But again, don't worry about that, all of that stuff is done for you automatically. Its very ingenious what Zeek has set up here. We want to take a second here and slip in a little tip - have your business prospects join as a Zeekler customer first, before joining ZeekRewards, and they will automatically get a bunch of free bids they can use in the auctions, THEN have them join the ZeekRewards business opportunity site after they get their free bids.

Ok, in a nutshell, our simple point here is: giving free bids to Zeekler customers is a really simple, automated thing, so you need not worry, for even a second, about doing that.

ZeekRewards is an incredible money-making system, so don't pass this by simply
because you don't completely understand every little detail of how it works – its
just not necessary to know all that stuff in order to start making money here.
Ok, lets continue with how YOU get paid in the ZeekRewards program...
Lets say at the end of the day, ZeekRewards is able to profit share 2% to all of its
active members. Now, our strict example here of getting 2% profit sharing daily
will never be the reality because the daily percentage fluctuates…its not a set
amount. So we will just use 2% in our example because its easy to calculate with.
And as Zeek brings in more and more Zeekler customers who purchase retail
bids, and who have nothing to do with the compensation plan, but are
feeding revenue into the company, the profit sharing percentages for
associates will likely rise.

So, continuing with our example…lets say you purchase 500 bids in your account
and ZeekRewards pays you 2% profit sharing at the end of the day. 2% of 500 is
$10.00.  Immediately, the system automatically purchases 10 more bids. The 10
bids are given to the company bid pool for distribution and 10 points (the
equivalent of the 10 bids) is added to your profit pool balance.

This is very cool because you get deposits to your profit pool account every single
day! This growth motivates affiliates to keep participating because they can see
their money growing constantly!
Your goal is to drive up the number of points you have in your profit pool – and
heres why...

ZeekRewards will pay you profit sharing for 90 days on each individual bids
purchase. Everyday when they pay a profit sharing percentage, they will be
paying that percentage on your ever-growing points balance. And as your
points balance grows, before long, you will be able to pull money out of
your ZeekRewards account -- daily if you like -- and the amount you can pull out grows every single day.

Can you pull out money from day one? Of course - if you are a Silver, Gold or
Diamond affiliate, you absolutely can. You can redeem 2 points overnight for
$2.00 Be mindful, however, that you don’t ever want to allow your account to
have a 0 point balance.

Remember, you are rewarded on the point balance of your account. So 2% of
zero is zero. The company can't reward you any more and you are done. This
is why you want to grow your point balance for a while, until you have
enough points, so that you can leave points there and cash-out points without
your account going backwards.

Stay with us here and in a minute, we will give you an example of how to make
$3,000 per month by just placing one ad every day and growing your points

Now, lets talk about Zeek’s free bonus they give you. When you sign up with
ZeekRewards, the company is going to give you – even free affiliates – 100 free
bonus points. Thats almost like the company giving you $100.00 in our system.
These bonus points are placed in a different pool than the retail profit pool.
However, they grow every day just like the profit pool points.
When you have received profit sharing on these bonus points for 60 days you will
have roughly around 225 points, or so in your bonus pool. The original 100 points
will drop off leaving you approximately 125 points.

Zeek will then automatically transfer those points over to your retail profit pool
where they will be able to start growing even further by sharing in the daily
profit sharing for another 90 days – as long as you continue to place your one
ad everyday.

A little special note here...

If you have been a free member up to this point, then to keep earning points in
the profit pool from  the bonus points transferred into it, you will need to do two
additional things now – 1.) Upgrade to a paid membership and 2.) Start giving
away free bids to your Zeekler customers (again, the bid give-away is
completely automated).

So, to become a paid member, you either upgrade to Silver, Gold, or Diamond
membership. We strongly suggest that you just signup as a Silver member
initially. Silver membership is all you need to satisfy the membership
requirement and it would be better to take the difference you save between the
cost of the Silver and Gold, or even Diamond, and buy more bids with that
money.As a little tip: You can use some of your daily profit sharing rewards, or part of
any commissions to pay your monthly membership fee…it doesn't have to
come out of your pocket. If you want to see all the benefits of each
membership level, go to the ZeekRewards home page and click the “Get Paid”

Okay, so lets say you have 100 points in your profit pool and the profit sharing
that happened overnight was 2%. That means, ZeekRewards gave you $2.00
in profit sharing (that’s 2% of 100 points). Automatically, Zeek will take 100%
of that $2.00 (unless you have your repurchase preference set to something
less than 100%) and purchase 2 more bids for you.

If you remember, for the 2 bids you get, you also get the equivalent in points.
Now, for those 2 points to be added to your profit pool, you must give away
the 2 bids you received to a personal customer -- that will be done for you
automatically if you have joined the free company bid pool.

So the company has now given your customer 2 free bids that they can use in the
auction. Remember, a minute ago, we said as a Silver member you can give each
customer up to 100 free bids, well, in this example, Zeek just gave your customer
2 free bids on your behalf, so Zeek can do that 98 more times before you will
need to get another customer.

Again, the company has a customer acquisition pool (so do we) that you can join
to get customers.

Personally, to save money, we suggest you signup a few customers of your own,
first, before calling on the customer coop for help. You can easily do that by
asking your friends and family to signup for a free Zeekler auction account.  Just
tell them, “Hey sis, or mom, or Aunt Sue, or your best friend, or whoever, when
you sign up, I’ll give you 100 free bids that you can use to have fun in  the
auctions and maybe win some cool stuff.” I mean, who doesn’t want to get free
bids that they can use to win auction items?! No-one knows what the companys
net profit will be at the end of each day, but let us give you an example of how
the points balance in your retail profit pool can grow and then can turn into a
substantial income for you…

Continuing our example from earlier, lets say you start out by purchasing
$500.00 in bids. You place your ad for the day. The next morning you see the
company paid 2% profit sharing (again, this is just an example; the real
percentage varies every day).  So, 2% of the 500 points in your account gives
you $10.00 in profit sharing.

Assuming you have the repurchase preference set to 100%, the company
automatically takes 100% of the $10.00 and purchases more bids for
you. Now you have 510 points in your profit pool.

Next, you place your one ad again to qualify your account to share in TODAY'Sprofit sharing amount and you are done until tomorrow.

The next day, you wake up, login to your account and you see that they shared
2% again to the advertisers.  But this time, the 2% is paid on 510 points (which,
of course, was your ending balance from yesterday after the 10-bid purchase was
added to it.). So that means, this time, Zeek paid you $10.20 (2% of 510).
Again, the system automatically purchases 10 more bids for you. Since bids can
only be purchased in whole dollar amounts, the extra 20 cents stays in your
cash account for tomorrow.

Now remember, you have NOT had any additional out-of-pocket expense
since your original 500 bids purchase…you are simply buying more bids with
your profits. Your money will more than double every 90 days! There is NO place I know of that you can get that kind of growth! And you know what, we havent even mentioned that you can be paid VERY lucrative bonuses by sharing ZeekRewards with others.

When someone joins ZeekRewards as an affiliate and buys bids, because of your
promoting efforts, ZeekRewards will pay you a cash bonus right to your cash
account (which of course gives you the ability to buy more bids without any out
of pocket expense).
PLUS, every time that person buys more bids (with their daily profit sharing
money every day by buying more bids – just like you are) then you make a
commission on THAT daily sale too… which feeds more money into your
cash account which means you can purchase more bids.

So imagine this…you have 10 people you have referred to ZeekRewards and they
got started too because they saw the incredible growing effect this system has on
their money.  Now, everyday as they are placing their ad, qualifying for the daily
profit sharing, and the system is automatically buying more ads, you are getting
daily commissions on those purchases!

This, of course, gives you the ability to exponentially expand your profit pool
balance in a very, VERY short time! In addition, every person who joins ZeekRewards as an affiliate is placed in a 2x5 matrix. So as you bring others into ZeekRewards as affiliates they will be placed under you in the matrix. Also as people above you sponsor new affiliates, spill- over can occur under you from their sponsoring activity. As affiliates renew their monthly Silver, Gold, and Diamond memberships, you make commissions on
those renewals creating an additional source of residual income.

So where is all this leading to?Let us give you a scenario here where you could be receiving $3,000 per month PASSIVELY by simply placing an ad every day. We going to use a 2% daily cash- back figure again in this example.

When you reach the point where you have approximately 25,000 points in your
profit pool account, then you could start doing an 80/20 cash-out plan.  Here is
what we talking about, so please listen very closely…

When you hit 25,000 points in your account, and the daily profit sharing
percentage is 2%, Zeek will be paying you $500 into your account.

First of all, did you catch that?... you are making $500 per day… its your money!
Ok, the 80/20 plan works like this, take 80% of that $500 (which is $400) and
put that back into your future growth by doing what you have been doing every
day in your stress-less 5 minutes of work and purchase more bids.
1. Then, pull out 20% of the $500 (which is $100) and use it however you
want. That is $700 per week, or almost $3,000 per month in almost totally
passive income!

And keep in mind… these amounts are going to continue to grow day after day
and month after month. So that 20%-amount of your daily profits, will
continue to get bigger and bigger every day.

This is why you want to keep growing your points balance until you have enough
points that you can leave points there for future growth, and cash-out some
points without your account balance declining. You want your profit pool account
balance to be moving progressively forwards.

So here is a quick schedule of your 5 minute work day.

1.) Login to ZeekRewards and place your daily ad.
2.) Visit the NEWS page to stay current with Zeek news.
3.) Optionally, you can share Zeek with others if you want your account to grow faster.
Tha's it!

Now go play golf, or head to the spa, or whatever you like to do. In closing, let us say this… ZeekRewards is very appealing to people because, to make money, you don't have to sponsor anyone, you don't have to cold-call prospects, you don't have to inventory or deliver any products, there is no large monthly auto-ship requirement, you don't have to go to hotel meetings or do home presentations, and it doesn't take a lot of someone's time (just 5 minutes per day, or less). Plus, its really fun every day when you login to see that your profit pool grew overnight.

Its also easy to SHARE ZeekRewards with other people because its free to join
and people can simply have fun at the Zeekler auction if that's all they want to
do, plus they get free bids when they join. Here is our final thought…
We have been using an example here of starting by purchasing 500 bids;
however, if $500 would be a lot to come up with for you right now, then start with
whatever you can start with – purchase 50 or 100 bids, but the important thing is
“get started!” On the other hand, if you see the power of this incredible money-
making system, and you have the funds, get started with 1,000,or 5,000 bids or
even 10,000 – it’s just going to put you into profit that much faster.

So, don't let our $500 example confine your thinking. But the important thing we
want you to understand here is -- get started!

There was a fascinating Leaders call, where the ZeekRewards founder, Paul Burks
outlined how ZeekRewards and Zeekler evolved - the result of 14 years of
continuous effort!

He also covered a lot of the leaders questions and how running ZeekRewards is a
bit like piloting an airplane - you are never quite sure whats ahead, so it will need
a few little tweaks and small direction changes to keep it flying on course and
achieve the required results. Well worth listening to!
Now, if you haven't joined Zeekler and ZeekRewards yet, for free, then you
will want to do that right away. We suggest joining the Zeekler auction site
first before joining ZeekRewards.

If you join Zeekler first, as a free customer, then you will receive either 50, 250,
or possibly 500 free bids right way that you can use at the Zeekler auction site to
go have fun and win some great stuff.

After you have created your free Zeekler auction account, then next you will need
to create your free ZeekRewards account. so, you will receive $100.00 worth of
Bonus Points (like we talked earlier) to get you started - FREE!
Now go get started and purchase some bids! :o)
Here is how to get started:

Join at the Silver Level (10.00 Monthly) (If you are planning on sharing this with
others, or are going to make a large purchase of VIP BIDS, then join at the Gold
Or Diamond):You WOULD join as Diamond Affiliate....
If you in 1 or more of these 3 categories below its in YOUR best interest to go

Diamond TODAY:
1. You Plan On Referring Others.
2. You have or will be purchasing Over 500 VIP Bids.
3. Your VIP Point Balance Has Grown To 1,000 or More!
We have done the calculations, and if you fall into one of the categories above it
is actually going to SAVE you money in Customer Costs to be a DIAMOND (they
can give more bids to each customer thus need less customers), and you are
going to actually EARN more too. Being a DIAMOND will earn you more in the
long run ( in every way possible even if you are NOT sharing Zeek with anyone
and have NO referrals) over being a Silver for 10.00 per month or Gold at 50.00
per month. You are going to earn FAR more than the 99.00 per month that
DIAMOND membership costs ( so no worries there either), if you are in one or
more of the categories above.

So, again if you are in one of the categories above Go Diamond TODAY!
-You PURCHASE VIP BIDS after you log in from 10.00 to 10k.
-You click on GIVE FREE BIDS and set your bid giveaway amount to the
highest amount possible.
-You join the Customer Co-Op on that same page.
-The software handles everything else for you automatically.
-You place and report your ad daily and enjoy your daily profit share!
We have EVERYTHING laid out step by step for you, and your team, if you decide
to build one.

For passive members, please pay particular attention to the RPP: Retail Profit
Report and how it works and what its potential is. This is the main attraction for
most of us and this webinar (http://9NL.com/webinar) really lays it out so it is
understandable for everyone. And they give you an idea of how to achieve your
income goals using the RPP, so take a look ASAP!
Let us know if you have any questions or need help with ANYTHING in regards to
ZeekRewards, the Best passive earnings EVER!  Please let us know if you have
any questions, and we look forward to working together WITH you! Thanks!

Zeeshan Khan

DISCLAIMER: If you make a purchase from ZeekRewards you are purchasing a
SUBSCRIPTION to our penny auction site or you are purchasing BIDS OR
ADVERTISING. You are NOT purchasing stock or any other form of "investment"
or equity. You MUST actually use the bids or advertising units that you purchase.
Affiliates who present our products to others in a misleading manner or in a way
that leads the buyer to believe he or she is making an investment or purchasing
equities will be terminated and all commissions will be forfeited. Buyers MUST
read the entire How It Works and Get Paid pages on the ZeekRewards website
and the Legal Disclaimers. Please note that daily rebate percentages will vary
daily and we do not guarantee any specific amounts or results.

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